About Us


Welcome to PharmacyPilot.info, a platform dedicated to providing unbiased and transparent reviews of online pharmacies. Our mission is to help consumers make informed decisions by offering honest and reliable information about the pharmacies they consider for their medical needs. We understand the challenges faced by consumers in finding trustworthy sources due to biased review sites, regulatory influences, and the prevalence of fake online reviews.

Our Origins

PharmacyPilot.info was born out of a necessity for fairness and transparency in the online pharmacy review space. Traditional review platforms like Trustpilot and others have been criticized for their pay-to-play dynamics, where businesses that pay for their services often receive favorable reviews and higher visibility. This compromises the integrity of the reviews and misleads consumers. Our firsthand experience with these practices, where our account was unjustly blocked after ceasing payments, highlighted the need for a more honest and impartial platform.

The Problem with Traditional Review Sites

1. Biased Reviews and Pay-for-Play Models

Numerous businesses and individuals have reported that sites like Trustpilot favor companies that pay for their services. This bias results in skewed ratings and reviews, making it difficult for consumers to trust the information provided. Companies that choose not to pay are often subjected to negative reviews or account suspensions, as seen in our personal experience where accusations were levied against us once we stopped paying.

2. Regulatory and Corporate Influences

The regulation of online pharmacies is heavily influenced by major pharmaceutical firms, government agencies, and certification organizations like LegitScript. These entities often work together to control the narrative and visibility of online pharmacies:

  • Big Pharma: Major pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in maintaining control over the distribution of medications, often lobbying for stricter regulations on online pharmacies.
  • FDA: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforces regulations that can disproportionately affect smaller, legitimate online pharmacies, limiting their ability to compete fairly.
  • LegitScript: This organization certifies online pharmacies but has been criticized for being influenced by corporate interests, leading to biased evaluations that favor large, established firms.

3. Manipulation of Search Engines

Google and Microsoft are also influenced by these regulatory bodies and corporate interests, which can result in the suppression of legitimate online pharmacies from search results. This manipulation prevents consumers from easily finding reputable sources for their medications.

The Challenge of Finding Honest Reviews

Online forums and review sites related to pharmacies are often inundated with fake reviews, shills, and misleading information. These platforms can be manipulated by competitors or entities with a financial interest in promoting or discrediting certain pharmacies. As a result, consumers face a minefield of misinformation, making it difficult to discern which online pharmacies are trustworthy.

Our Commitment

At PharmacyPilot.info, we are committed to providing a platform where honest and transparent reviews can thrive. We believe in giving online pharmacies a fair shake, ensuring that consumers have access to reliable information. Our reviews are not influenced by payments or corporate interests, and we employ rigorous verification processes to ensure the authenticity of user submissions.

Fair Reviews for Buyers and Sellers

PharmacyPilot.info is dedicated to providing actual online pharmacies and their owners a fair and honest place to get reviews. We understand that competitors can issue false and negative reviews, and that buyers can post fake reviews if they do not receive discounts or other incentives. Our platform is committed to ensuring that both buyers and sellers receive fair and honest reviews that are not influenced by shills or fake reports.

Why We Are Different

  1. Unbiased Reviews: Our reviews are based solely on user experiences and verified transactions, not influenced by payments or corporate affiliations.
  2. Transparency: We disclose any potential conflicts of interest and maintain open communication with our users about how reviews are collected and displayed.
  3. Consumer Advocacy: We stand against the manipulation of reviews and search engine results, advocating for fair competition and consumer rights.
  4. Education and Awareness: We provide resources and information to help consumers understand the complexities of online pharmacy regulations and how to identify trustworthy sources.

Our Vision

PharmacyPilot.info envisions a world where consumers can confidently purchase medications online from reputable sources without fear of being misled or scammed. We strive to be the go-to platform for honest reviews, fostering a community of informed and empowered consumers.


The creation of PharmacyPilot.info is a response to the challenges and unfair practices faced by legitimate online pharmacies and consumers alike. By offering a transparent and unbiased review platform, we aim to level the playing field and ensure that honest businesses are recognized and rewarded. Join us in our mission to promote fairness, transparency, and trust in the online pharmacy marketplace.