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Verified Review

February 20, 2023
Very Satisfied

My first order arrived in 13 days, and I am extremely satisfied with the product quality and service. I'll definitely order again.

Verified Review

February 08, 2023
Good, But a Little Slow

My order took 18 days, which was a bit longer than I hoped. However, the products are great.

Verified Review

January 27, 2023
Excellent Customer Service

Had an issue with my payment, but their customer service quickly resolved it. My order arrived within 18 days. Highly recommend!

Verified Review

January 18, 2023
Satisfied Customer

Happy with my purchase. The shipping was within the expected timeframe—around 14 days. No issues at all.

Verified Review

January 03, 2023
Reliable Shipping

My order took 19 days, but everything arrived in perfect condition. I’ll be placing another order soon.

Verified Review

December 25, 2022
Reliable Option

I’ve ordered from aipctshop a few times now. Shipping can vary, but the products are consistently good.

Verified Review

December 19, 2022
Happy with the Order

Ordered using eCheck, and my package arrived in 15 days. No issues with the products.

Verified Review

November 29, 2022
Will Order Again

My package arrived in 15 days, and the products were effective. I’ll definitely use this service again.

Verified Review

November 06, 2022
Solid Experience

My order took 17 days to arrive, but the quality was worth the wait. Good communication throughout the process.

Verified Review

October 12, 2022
Slow Delivery but Good Products

My order took 20 days to arrive, which was longer than expected. However, the products were good quality.

total 31

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